Languages: HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript
Tools used: Node JS, Express JS, Bootstrap 5 is a mockup of a full stack ecommerce web app. Using Node.JS and Express JS to handle requests and responses from an SQL server, and using Bootstrap for the front end design, the web app is to demonstrate my full stack development skills. I also plan to host the mockup on my own Apache web server to get a better understanding of the process for serving client side content.

Languages: HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript
Tools used: Node JS, Express, React JS, Bootstrap is a mockup of a full stack ecommerce web app. Using Node.JS and Express JS to handle requests and responses from an SQL server, and using Bootstrap and React JS for the front end design, the web app is to demonstrate my full stack development skills. I also plan to host the mockup on my own Apache web server to get a better understanding of the process for serving client side content.